Introduction to the workflow

Task lifecycle

Snow Owl has been architected to author terminologies in a distributed and collaborative fashion. Users can work in the same location or can be geographically distributed, as long as they have network access to a central Snow Owl terminology repository. In order to coordinate the efforts of multiple authors concurrently editing the same ontology, separate tasks can be assigned to them.

Tasks have a lifecycle that spans from their initial creation through an authoring and reviewing stage to their final approval. Changes made as part of a task are not visible to other authors until they have been approved. All authors working on the same task see the changes made by any other authors working on that task. The task lifecycle is configurable and can be adapted to meet specific workflow requirements.

Task lifecycle

Before you can start working in a collaborative mode, you need to be connected to a shared repository. A detailed description for the necessary steps can be found in the section about Setting up a remote task repository.

Here is a short summary of the different stages in a typical task lifecycle. The links will help you to find the corresponding sections in the user guide.

The different steps of the task lifecyle are associated with certain task stages and actions that can be performed. The user interface of the task editor will change respectively. The table below gives an overview.

Step in life cycle of task Task state Actions that can be performed
Task is created and automatically assigned to team member(s) ASSIGNED Submit task to shared repository
Task is submitted ASSIGNED Activate task
Task is activated ASSIGNED Leave as ASSIGNED, Resolve as FIXED
Work is performed on task ASSIGNED Leave as ASSIGNED, Resolve as FIXED
Work on task is completed RESOLVED Leave as RESOLVED FIXED, Reopen bug
Task is reviewed RESOLVED Accept or reject review
Review is submitted (Accept or reject) RESOLVED Leave as RESOLVED FIXED, Reopen bug, Mark as VERIFIED
Task is verified VERIFIED Leave as VERIFIED FIXED, Mark as CLOSED
Task is promoted CLOSED Task is automatically closed. Modifications are disabled

If the task is reopened, the status changes to LEAVE AS REOPENED. At this point the task be set to Accept (changes status to ASSIGNED), which starts the workflow again with ASSIGNED

Artifact types

The task wizard provides a step-by-step interface that facilitates entering tasks. The following artifact types are supported:

Work Scenarios

Depending on the work scenarios, the task wizard creates different task configurations.

Single author with single reviewer

A single author is performing a task, the single reviewer can accept the entire work or parts of it (e.g. reference set members). The task wizard creates one task with following configuration:

Dual authors with single reviewer - Dual authoring

Two authors are working on the same component simultaneously by dividing the workload. The task wizard is creating one task that can be activated by both authors. The following task configuration is created:

Dual authors with single reviewer - Dual blind authoring

Two authors are working on the same task independently. They complete the entire task, and can not see what the other author is doing. After completion the reviewer can see the artifacts side-by-side for both authors. Potential conflicts are highlighted. The reviewer is allowed to pick and chose from both authors to form the final artifact to be promoted. The task wizard creates one main task with two subtasks:

Dual authors with dual reviewers - Dual authoring

Two authors are working on the same task simultaneously splitting up the work. After completion two reviewers can indicate acceptance and provide comments to individual items of the particular artifact associated with the task. As a final step the adjudicator performs a review. The task wizard creates one task with the following configuration:

Dual authors with dual reviewers - Dual blind authoring

Two authors are working on the same task independently. They complete the entire task, and can not see what the other author is doing. After completion both reviewers can see the artifacts side-by-side for both authors. Potential conflicts are highlighted. Both reviewers can indicate acceptance and provide comments to individual items. For the final review the changed artifacts and reviews from both reviewers are presented to the adjudicator. The adjudicator can either promote the changes to the main repository or reject them and reopen the task. The task wizard creates one main task with two subtasks: