Comparing and generating a linkage set

Comparing reference sets

The reference set comparison allows determining:

The compare wizard can be opened from the reference set view by right-clicking on the master reference set and selecting Compare with constrained... You can also start with the constrained reference set by clicking Compare with master...

Invoke Compare action from context menu

Use the Browse.. button to select a reference set, and Next to start the comparison. The comparison just takes a few seconds, since the comparison engine utilizes all available processing cores to speed subsumption calculation.

Selecting reference sets for comparison

After the comparison, you can review the differences between the two reference sets.

Results of Reference Set Comparison

If applicable, further actions can be performed by checking the boxes:

Generating a linkage set

If subsumption (subsumed) or relationship (related to) is indicated in the comparison overview, a linkage set can be generated. This is a simple type reference set that contains the relationships between the members.

Check the box for Generate linkage set and click Finish to start the process. Note: The action for generating a linkage set will only be enabled if subsumption/relationship is found between the members.

Results of refset comparison

The name of the linkage set consists of the names of the two reference sets that were compared, the expression reference set linkage set is appended. You can find it in the reference set view as a simple type reference set. Double-click the name to review it in the reference set editor. The first column displays the referenced components and their relationship. In the screenshot below, an Is a relationship between Inactivated influenza split virion subtype H1N1v-like strain adjuvant vaccine and Inactivated influenza split virion vaccine is referenced.

Linkage set