Mapping sets

Mapping sets perspective

A new perspective is now available for working with mapping sets. To bring up the perspective, click on the respective button in the toolbar. The mapping set view is displayed to the left, terminologies to the right.

Mapping sets persepctive

Mapping sets view

The Mapping sets view (also called mapping sets navigator) works similar to other views:

Mapping sets view

The mapping set perspective displays the mapping set view on the left side of the screen. If you are using a different perspective (e.g. authoring perspective), go to Window > Show View > Other > Snow Owl > Mapping sets to bring up the mapping sets view.

Creating and deleting mapping sets

To create a new top-level mapping set click on Add new top level mapping set in the view's toolbar. If you want to create a mapping set in a folder right-click on the parent folder and select Add new mapping set from the context menu.

Mapping sets view - context menu

On the first page of the wizard, you have to specify the following mandatory text fields.

There are optional text fields for the URI and Comments. Click Finish to proceed, and enter a commit comment. An UUID is automatically created.

Creating a new mapping set

The new mapping set is now displayed in the mapping set view, the editor is automatically opened.

To delete a mapping set right-click it in the view and chose Delete mapping set from the context menu. Confirm the deletion plan, and enter a commit comment.

Organizing mapping sets

Mapping sets can be organized in folders and subfolders.

You can also use the context menu to remove and rename folders. If you want to move a mapping set simply drag and drop it from one folder to another.

Mapping set editor

Double-click a mapping set in the view to open the mapping set editor. The editor consists of three tabs: Mappings, property, and meta data.

Mappings tab

The following information is displayed in the columns on the mappings tab.

Mapping set editor, mappings tab

The text field allows filtering members, similar to the reference set editor.

Filtering mappings

You can change information by clicking on the cell: Enter new information or select an option from the drop-down menu.

Changing correlation of a mapping

Mapping terms

Mappings can be made from the different terminology views or from the search results by dragging them into the editor. Go to a terminology view (e.g. ATC view), mark the concept or code you want to add, and drag it into the mapping sets editor. The term that is dragged first into the editor will be the map source.

To add a target drag a concept to the area of the map source until it is highlighted (see screenshot), then drop it. If you want to add another map source drag the concept into the editor without highlighting one of the existing members.

Adding map target

You can also add concepts from the search view: Mark the result you want to add and drag it into the mapping set editor. If you want to add all search results, use the shortcut CTRL+A to mark all results, then drag them into the editor. This will create new map targets. To add only selected results, press CDM and click the result you want to add, then drag your selection in the editor.

Changing and removing mappings

If you want to change a mapping right-click on the mapping to bring up the context menu

Adding members to a mapping from context menu

If you want to change a mapping drag the new target concept to the mapping until it is highlighted. A message will ask you to confirm the change.

Changing an existing mapping

A warning dialog will inform you if you are trying to add a member that already exists in the mapping set.

To inactivate a mapping click on the cell and chose inactivate from the drop-down menu. Alternatively you can right-click the member and use the context menu. You can activate members the same way. The button in the view's toolbar allows to show or hide inactive members.

Information about the mapping set

Additional information about the mapping set (e.g. definition) can be entered on the properties tab. You can also modify existing information.

Information about the mapping set

Meta data

Different groupings can be defined on the meta data tab. It's also possible to assign keywords so that retrieval requests can find the relevant groups, and they may assign OIDs for these groups.

Use the buttons on the top to add groups or remove groups . Alternatively you can right-click a group and use the context menu to remove the selected group, you can also add a group this way.

Once a group is highlighted, information can be entered and modified in the table on the right side. You can also define keywords and remove keywords . Note: The buttons for removing groups and keywords will only be visible if an item is highlighted.

Validation rules for mapping sets

The following validation rules are enforced when creating a new mapping sets

Name, Definition, Purpose, Version, and Source fields are mandatory

Validation for mandatory fields when creating a new mapping set

The following items have to be unique

Validation for unique folder name

Members pointing to missing concepts are indicated by a small question mark decorator.

Decorator indicating missing concepts

Browsing and searching mapping sets

Mapping sets are now supported by quick search.

Quick search displaying results in mapping sets

Mapping sets can be filtered in the mapping sets view.

Mapping sets view with filter search

Mapping sets search was integrated in the advanced search function. Searches can be performed for code (ID) or label (name).

Mapping sets search

Results of the query are displayed in the search view.

Search view displaying results of mapping sets search

Importing mapping sets from spreadsheet

To import mapping sets from a spreadsheet

Importing mapping sets from an Excel spreadsheet

Known issues

Mapping set editing is available in standalone mode only. No workflow support has been implemented yet.