Value domain improvements

Importing a value domain

From spreadsheet

To import a value domain from a spreadsheet

Importing a value domain from an Excel spreadsheet

From SVS format

Snow Owl now supports importing value domain in the Sharing Value Sets (SVS) format. This allows importing value sets produced by the United States National Library of Medicine's Value Set Authority Center (VSAC) that make use of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). These resources are available at ; please choose the SVS (xml) format for the download.

To import the SVS file in Snow Owl

Exporting a value domain

To export a value domain to an Excel file

Exporting a value domain to an Excel file

Hierarchical display in value domain editor

Members of the Value Domain are displayed in a hierarchy, which is similar to the tree view in the concept navigators. Click on the nodes to expand or collapse the tree. Double-clicking a concept will open the editor.

Terminologies are organized in separate folders, they can be easily distinguished by their icons.

Hierarchical display in value domain editor
Note: The question mark icon represent codes that are not imported (ICD-10CM and ICD-9CM), it's not possible to open them in the editor.

Organizing value domains in the navigator

Value domains can be organized in folders and subfolders.

You can also use the context menu to remove and rename folders. If you want to move a value domain simply drag and drop it from one folder to another.

Adding a new subfolder in the value domain navigator

Browsing and searching Value Domains

Value domains are now supported by quick search.

Quick search displaying results in value domains

Value domains can be filtered in the value domain view.

Value domain view with filter search

Value domain search was integrated in the advanced search function. Searches can be performed for code (ID) or label (name).

Value domain search

Results of the query are displayed in the search view.

Search view displaying results of value domain search

Validation rules for value domains

The following validation rules are enforced when creating a new value domain

Name, Version, Definition and Source fields are mandatory

Creating a new value domain

The following items have to be unique

Message about redundant value domain members

Members pointing to missing concepts are allowed with a warning. A small question mark decorator indicates that these concepts have not been imported.

Decorator indicating missing concepts

Value domain memberships of a code

The membership of a code is now displayed in the Value Set tab of the concept editor.

Value domain membership displayed on Value Sets tab